Why do pcr test results take so long
Why do pcr test results take so long Looking for: Why do pcr test results take so long - Click here to ENTER Swab test with Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR is currently the most accurate method in detecting the novel coronavirus infection that causes Covid However, the results of the examination were sometimes different though the swab test was carried out at a very close time. Titik Nuryastuti, M. Two of them are the time factor and swab sampling procedure. For instance, someone did a swab test at a hospital and resulted in a positive. The next day, this person did another PCR swab at a different hospital but tested negative. Titik explained the many factors that can affect the results, including the pre-analytical, analytical, and post-analytical phases. The pre-analytical has the most influence, such as the sampling process, handling and transporting before arriving at the laboratory, and the storing and delivery. The last is the post-analytical phase, which is the s...
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